About us
About us
SCIETEGRA LLC was established in 2010 as a specialized service company engaged in the launch, technical, methodological and metrological support of analytical equipment from leading world manufacturers. In 2019, Sсietegra became not only a service partner of these companies, but also their distributor:
- Hitachi High-Technologies Electron microscopy and thermal analysis, consumables.
- Analytik Jena Equipment for spectral analysis, consumables.
- Leica Microsystems Sample preparation systems for electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, light microscopy, consumables.
- Thermo Fisher Scientific Liquid and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, consumables.
- Nanolive Unique 3D Cell Explorer cell microscope.
Scietegra will prepare a ready-made solution for you, supply equipment, put it into operation, provide warranty and post-warranty technical and methodological support, and ensure uninterrupted supply of consumables.
Our partners
Our partners